Achieve Your Goals

How to Clear Your Mind to Achieve Your Goals

Learning how to Clear Your Mind to Achieve Your Goals is an intentional skill. It feels good when your clarity is so on point that you have no doubts in your mind. It feels even better when your project is finally complete and your hard work comes to life. Achieving your goals requires that you get the clutter out of your mind. This skill is not an option when you want your business, and Marketplace Ministry to thrive.  

Too much clutter in your mind puts you on a merry-go-round of events that leads you nowhere. One of the largest pieces of clutter comes from well-meaning people who have opinions and love to share them. Unfortunately, people giving their opinion has become too popular, with most opinions based on someone else’s experience, their goals and abilities, not yours.

If you must listen to an opinion, make sure:

  • The person knows you and respects what you are trying to accomplish. They should base their comments on your goals, not there’s.
  • The person has a history of success in the same area as your goals. He should have a success story that applies to you. 
  • The person is good at listening and slow to speak. When a person interrupts you to tell you what she has to say, let your warning bells alarm!

Clutter comes not only from other people. It also comes from experiences, the environment in which you were raised and events that you witnessed. Some lessons are golden and teach us great life lessons. Others are just isolated events, a stitch in time.

Listening to this clutter gets you stuck in a cycle. It can take years to get out of a cycle that keeps you working with little progress. Some words are so strong they get stuck in your head, undermining your goals. That’s clutter!

Want to Clear Your Mind to Achieve Your Goals?

Be careful what you listen to. When people talk, here are some suggestions for your response.

  • Decide to stay away from the person if their words create clutter in your mind. 
  • Interrupt them and say something like, “I am still deciding what I want.”
  • Decide not to share what you are going to do. Wait until it is done, then say, “Here is what I did.”
  • You should also consider your own thoughts. Is it random? Where did the thought originate? Does it represent your goals or your fears?

Don’t tolerate costly cycles (when you keep going in circles instead of accomplishing your goals) that waste your valuable time and absorb your emotions. Allowing cycles breeds passivity. Moving forward requires the skills to clear your mind and break these hindering cycles. 

Check out these easy habits that will help Clear Your Mind to Achieve Your Goals

Begin a habit of doing Morning Pages.

That means writing pages of random, unedited thoughts that circle in your mind. Grab some paper and a pen and start writing whatever comes to your mind. Don’t think, just write. This helps you get rid of clutter by writing it down and getting it out. It might surprise you how good you feel after you get rid of subconscious clutter that works against your goals.

Reflect on Bible verses

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active; sharper than any double-edged sword. It pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

When you know you are following God’s plan, call on His word to bring you life. The Bible gets inside of you. The Holy Spirit helps you. That is where you get the power to Clear Your Mind to Achieve Your Goals.

Seek to walk in your Spiritual Identity

Your Spiritual identity is who God says you are. Spiritual identity is apart from people and material things. It is the real you who God created. It takes time to understand your Spiritual Identity, but when you do, people have no hold on you. What they say doesn’t matter when God affirms you!

Develop a Decision Making Algorithm

An Algorithm is a set of rules to follow. Your decision-making algorithm helps you decide apart from fear, doubt and what people say. Answer these questions before you make a decision.

  • After you pray, how do you feel led?
  • Does it line up with Scripture? 
  • Will it honor God?
  • Does it support your goals and values?

Read my post about making smart decisions to learn more about this strategy.

After ten years of fighting disappointing cycles, I finally learned to get rid of mind clutter, break hindering cycles and achieve my goals. Now, I can’t tolerate unfinished business. Either I work on it and move forward or restate the goal. There is no middle ground.

When you form a habit of finishing what you start, you also take a hard stand against mind clutter and deny anything that hinders you. Then your life becomes ordered and you can’t wait to get up each morning and start your day. Why? Because you know success is waiting. 

I have been on both sides of this journey. I respect goals that honor God and I have a history of success in Marketplace Ministry. I did it, and so can you!

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