Are you wondering why you should pray for your coworkers? Because there are 10 amazing benefits for praying for your coworkers – for you, your company, and for them!
Most of us spend more awake, alert hours with people at work than at home with family members. You wake up early, dress for success and fight through traffic every day – just to get to work.
You eat with them. You adjust to their business culture and learn their corporate language.
Your job is getting the best of you!
Spending that much time together and working on the same goals is a great opportunity to build relationships. You are usually in a small space working to agree, coordinate, instruct, follow instructions and complete tasks together.
With that much time together, it will benefit everyone for you to take advantage of these 10 Amazing Benefits of Praying For Your Coworkers.
Just like a family, you can’t just ignore people with whom you spend that much time. In fact, you can’t afford not to pray for your coworkers.
Here’s what happens when you pray for your coworkers:
- You bring God’s power to the scene
- You override obstacles that stand in your way.
- You understand that it’s not just about you, but about what God is doing through you.
- You combine your passion and commitment with God’s power to create a level of success higher than you could ever accomplish on your own.
- Everyone around you is influenced by your prayers – your manager and those who you lead.
Pray for the coworkers that you love working with and pray for those that you wish would go away. Pray for the manager that you disagree with and for the person that agrees with everything you say. Pray for the person is the office who is a democrat and pray for the republican. Pray for the woman in the mailroom, the security guard and the company’s bottom line.
It all matters and needs your prayers.
Take the 7-Day Challenge
Pray for your coworkers every day for one week and see what happens. Then share this post with someone on your job. Even if you’ve never prayed before, give it a try. What can you lose?
Taking the challenge?
Here are some suggestions to help you make it a great week praying for your coworkers.
Don’t discriminate. Just look around the office and make a note of who you see. Pray for your coworkers who are managers, team members, office staff, volunteers, clerical staff, executive staff, and anyone who plays a role in our office or department. Pray for as long as you can every day.
- Don’t be concerned about their beliefs, choices, how they treat you or what they do or don’t do. Your job is simply to pray (I’ll tell you how).
- Write down some of your tasks including problem areas. Whatever your company calls doing a good job, write that down.
- Prepare your heart by admitting that you need God’s help and fall far short of success without Him (the type of success that’s not just money, but love, peace, joy, God’s favor and more). Ask for forgiveness for anyone you have mistreated or any behavior that is wrong. (We all have done something for which we need to ask forgiveness.)
Now it’s time to pray for your coworkers. Apply these prayers to each person or issue you listed above.
- Pray for God to bless your coworkers (call their name). Bless their health, relationships, finances and family.
- Pray for God to give them peace, guidance and comfort. Ask for a deeper purpose for the work they do.
- Pray for better communication and understanding.
- Pray for unity at work and favor with tasks and results.
- Pray for everyone (including yourself) to function free of jealousy, pride, envy, gossip, and bad attitudes.
- Pray for love, peace and joy to rule in your department. (Gal 5:22-23)
- Ask God to stay close to your coworkers, keep them safe and give them clarity and direction.
- Pray for God to help everyone with the specific issues that they face at work, at home, financially, and emotionally. Ask God to give you and your coworkers profitable strategies and ideas.
- Pray for the removal of all negative influences.
- Add anything else that comes to your mind.
Keep it up for seven consecutive days. It may sound like you’re not doing anything and you’re right – it’s not you, it’s God.
After the 7-Day Challenge, develop a routine of daily prayer for your co-workers and watch God change the situation. When you sincerely pray for people, you begin to experience genuine care and understanding for them. You don’t only change what’s happening in their life, what’s happening in your life will change too.
Take the challenge starting tomorrow and share what happens with your friends. Don’t take anything for granted. If a prayer gets answered – that’s not a coincidence. That’s God saying, “I hear you.”
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