Overcoming the barriers in your life means learning how to fight for what matters most. Observing carefully, knowing when to say, “No,” being bold, and skillful with an owner’s mindset is just the beginning of accomplishing your goals.
Fighting for what matters most means overcoming your fear and learning to stand alone if necessary. Be encouraged. Keep standing and keep getting stronger as you fight and persevere. Your new strength will give you confidence to keep moving forward. You’ll make new progress and find success as you win new battles.
Yes, you WILL have to fight and deal with your giants. They come in the form of money challenges, losing a job or opportunity, being betrayed by someone you trusted, learning of a situation that could derail your plans, health issues, family issues and more. It’s up to you to keep moving forward in spite of the issues. In time, you will learn to see them as a normal part of your journey. Once you have defeated your old giants, you will be trained and ready to face the new ones. As you learn to face new challenges, your fighting skills will get better and problems won’t throw you off track as easily.
Here are a few more steps for learning how to fight for what matters most:
- Be watchful. Avoid old pitfalls and bad habits. There is a point when you just decide to let go of old behavior.
- Be smart. Listen to warnings from people who have won their fight. Learn from other people’s battles.
- Be guarded. You have a crafty enemy who seeks to kill, steal and destroy you.
- Be flexible. Keep growing and gaining new skills that help you move forward no matter what is standing in your way.
- Be careful. Watch our for haters who have problems celebrating your success and your potential.
- Be progressive. No matter how well things are going, continue to create new pathways and find better ways to get things done.
- Be courageous. Doing something new takes courage. Plan, prepare then give it your best. If you have to make adjustments, that’s OK. Just keep moving forward until you get where you want to go.
Will you have a reason to quit? Yes. Will you quit? No. Just because you can quit doesn’t mean you should quit. Learning how to fight for what matters most means removing roadblocks and creating new pathways for success. If you feel stuck, but you know you’re in the right place, fight for it and find a way to make something happen so you can keep moving forward. If not, the challenges will not go away. They will meet you in everything you seek to accomplish. You do not have time for that!
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