rhonda ware williams the extra life

How to Write a Statement of Faith for Your Ministry

You may think that knowing how to write a statement of faith for your ministry is not necessary, but it will help to clarify your actions and decisions when a conflict arises. A Statement of Faith is not only helpful for people who work with you, but it also helps lay a foundation to keep your organization on track. 

The statement doesn’t have to list everything you believe, but it should state the foundational truths that will govern your ministry. The reason this is so important is because as time changes, rules change, and your needs grow, you will be prompted to compromise and cut corners to meet your needs. The Statement of Faith will be your guide to help you easily say, “No,” to some opportunities while you embrace other opportunities. As you set goals, the Statement of Faith serves as reminder of your foundational commitments.

Start by reading the doctrinal statement of your church and other ministries that you appreciate. Take a look at this Dallas Theological Seminary Doctrinal statement and pay attention to how they carefully state each sentence and what they have included. Think about what matters most to you and the non-negotiable biblical truths that you must include. 

Your statement does not have to be long, just accurate and well crafted. You don’t have to include information that you don’t believe is relevant for your ministry and your ability serve others. 

The Extra Life’s Statement of Faith is short, but it includes our foundational, biblical absolutes and reminds us of our commitment to honor God in all that we do. 

As you write, be sure to get feedback from other ministry leaders so your statement is a clear reflection of what your organization believes.


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