Five Ways to Stay on Course When Things are Crazy Around You

Halfway through the second dramatized story, I realized I needed no more news that day. In a whirlwind of reporting for ratings, reactions, and political agendas, it was hard to determine truth from fiction. All I knew was that I was tired and hungry. I wanted to know if it was safe to go to my favorite restaurant. That day, I wasn’t ready to hear those dreadful Covid-19 statistics. I just wanted to retreat to my home with wings, fries, and an old episode of NCIS. Somewhere in the middle of my retreat, I stayed on course, even though things were crazy around me.

Thriving in Marketplace Ministry takes energy and passion. Marketplace Ministry, the way we promote it at The Extra Life, means excelling in ministry and business. That means when people around you become distracted, you just stay focused.

You don’t react just because someone else tells you to be afraid. You don’t respond in the way other people respond. Yes, you are sensitive and caring about the problems of the world, but you also continue to move forward, trusting God’s plan.

The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread? (Psalm 27:1)

When chaos comes, we are the ones who bring comfort by sharing God’s love and peace. Isn’t that the reason we are in Marketplace Ministry — to reach the world where they work? Yes, sometimes you’ll need to make adjustments, but adjustments are shifts in how you operate, not why you operate.

The digital platform is more prevalent now, but the need to touch and reach people–that’s the same. Instead of allowing others to dictate your perspective, gather the facts, and filter them through God’s word, then decide what you see and believe. That’s how you keep your peace. That’s how you stay on course.

Yes, it takes time to discover what God is doing, especially in the middle of chaos. But that doesn’t change the need to stay on course.

Here are Five Ways to Stay on Course When Things are Crazy Around You.

  1. Avoid negativity. Negativity feeds on itself and grows. When you listen to negativity, it grows in you. To fix negativity, you need positivity. Want to find a solution? Step back and see it from another perspective. Always look for a benefit, either during the problem or after. Make your difficult times pay you back.
  2. Give it time to change. Eventually, something will change. That’s one guarantee in life. Yes, sometimes you have to fight for change but, you should never throw your jewels away, just because you’re waiting for something to change. Your name and your reputation are valuable. Be careful what you post and what you say. Remember your big picture plans in Marketplace Ministry. Don’t do or say anything that will cost you later. The ministry comes first, always.
  3. Look for ways to prosper. In times of chaos, many people prosper. Yes, it’s true. In the great depression, several families who are mega-rich now started their business when the economy looked hopeless. Instead of joining the masses, slip out of line, and look for an opportunity that the masses have left behind or ignored.
  4. Go back to your original plan. Every successful person can tell of a time when they had to press forward, even though they could not see a sign of success. You just keep going because it’s what you do. I can’t say how long it takes. But I know when you passionately press, eventually something is going to change.
  5. Pray, pray, and then pray again. The single most influential activity in my life is prayer. You need direction. You need hope. You need God to keep you from falling apart. The fight against the devil requires strength. You need prayer.

Everyone can tolerate different levels of stress. When it overloads, anxiety enters the scene. Don’t wait until it’s too much to make the right decision. Never tolerate a load that is unhealthy and unbalanced. Make a deliberate commitment to limit what you absorb from outside sources. Instead, feed your mind and thoughts with information that focuses on opportunities, God’s goodness, love, progressing, and fulfilling God’s call in your work and ministry.

Get in the Word. Get busy with the right activity.

Don’t stop and don’t look back.

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