Millionaire Mind

Capture the Mind of a Millionaire – Highlights from the Best-Selling Book, The Millionaire Mind

Money to fulfill business and ministry dreams is one of the most sought after resources for people in marketplace ministry. Yet, we know that God is able to supply the needs for what He calls us to do. Ministry and business owners have great ideas, but need money to get going and sustain their marketplace ministry. Ministries and Businesses need capital and resources. Putting yourself in the position to make the money you need is crucial, but it does not happen automatically. It takes time, patience, focus and sacrifice. This post, Capture The Mind of a Millionaire – Highlights from the Best-Selling Book, The Millionaire Mind, and gets you on track to growing your money to provide for you ministry.

The Millionaire Mind, by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley, takes you into the minds of a group of surveyed millionaires to understand how they think and act. It might be surprising how most of them live compared to the star studded people we see on the screen. In the book, he explores the behaviors that create millionaires who maintain their fortunes. The book reminds us that prosperity is not just about money. It transcends into your lifestyle, contentment and peace of mind. Capture the Mind of a Millionaire – Highlights from this Best-Selling Book, is the next best thing next to reading the book yourself.

The Millionaire Mind has sold over 4,000,000 copies and is still going strong. Because we know it takes time to read this 417-page book, we have extracted twelve attributes for you. These are short details explaining how the millionaires surveyed think, make decisions and live. Honestly measure yourself with these character traits and look for spaces to learn and grow. 

Highlights from the Best-Selling Book, The Millionaire Mind

  1. Be a great negotiator. Never pay the initial asking price and always be willing to walk away.
  2. Select a vocation that you love. Millionaires love their careers. Keep your energy focused in the right places.
  3. Do not be afraid to fail. Have the courage to take risks. Build your confidence with careful planning and organization. Confidence feeds on preparation.
  4. Develop a strong faith and family. Faith is a source of courage. Live with Integrity. Pursue fitness. See yourself as partnering with God and the purpose that He assigned to you. Then, find confidence in knowing that you are right where He wants you to be.
  5. Think differently from the crowd. Withstand your critics and be willing to see things in a different way, even if you don’t get the support you hoped for. Most millionaires surveyed said someone degraded them in their formative years.
  6. Choose relationships carefully. Marry for love and purpose. Choosing a spouse is not just about looks and feelings. It’s also about goals, purpose and support. Your marriage should not just be fun. It should also be economically productive, honest and emotionally supportive.
  7. Showcase your highly developed social skills – When you walk into a room, be ready to meet new people and engage in interesting conversation. Make sure you get along well with others and abandon the “I can do it all by myself mindset.” You must be able to sell your ideas and allow people to see your confidence and feel your energy.  
  8. Believe in yourself – Millionaires with sustained wealth desired to be authentically well-respected and use all of their abilities and aptitudes. 
  9. Be competitive in nature – A deep desire for success should drive you to work hard for what you desire. Some of the best investments are in yourself – your business and creative ideas. Think success, never think failure. Think big. “A wise man will be a master of his mind; a fool will be its slave (Publilius Syrus – The Magic of Thinking Big).
  10. Creative and practical intelligence. People with sustained wealth use their educational experience to gain social skills and discernment. It doesn’t mean they were “A” students. They are usually not “A” students. But they have a tenacity that takes them higher than most people – they just won’t quit. They also have high practical intelligence that allows them to make more accurate judgements about people.
  11. Discipline over luck. The millionaires with sustained wealth are well disciplined, organized and live below their means. They make wise, thoughtful and researched investments, using advisers instead doing everything themselves. They believe the harder you work, the luckier you become. 
  12. Display strong leadership qualities. Exceptional leadership does not happen automatically. It is an intentionally learned skill. While some leadership skills are natural, sustained and highly functional leadership requires mentors and feedback.

Review these twelve highlights and discuss them with friends and associates at work and in your ministry. There are many places to grow and develop. Sustained wealth is about so much more than the pursuit of money and showing everyone what you have. When you make your business your ministry, your money feeds your purpose and you live our your faith. It helps expand your goals and creates many opportunities and choices. Position yourself as the difference maker and incorporate these twelve steps from the Millionaire Mind.

The Millionaire Mind by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley is published by Andrews McMeel Publishing.

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