Rhonda Ware Williams

Sometimes You Have to Just Say, “No!”

Have you ever known you were right while someone else was certain that you were wrong? Sounds crazy, right? However, it happens more than you might think. It happens in everyday life, like in the video below, and it happens when you are making a life-changing decision. There is always a reason to stand up against someone or something that try’s leading you in the wrong direction.

There is something about making big life decisions that attract people. They want to give you their opinion and feel strongly about what they believe. The freedom to say, “No” is a must! If not, people will lead you in directions based on what they see and experience instead of how God is leading you.

In marketplace ministry, business, and life, standing up to what you believe is crucial. Before you make a major decision, think about the benefits and the costs. Consider the requirements and rewards. Then look directly at your opportunity or position and decide if you agree. To everything that takes you in the wrong direction, look at it and say, “No, that’s not right.” When you know you’re right, grab your courage and charge ahead!

Listen to the message below.

Check out more messages like this on my YouTube Channel.

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