Rhonda Ware Williams

You Are Not Too Old To Start Something New

That’s right! You are Not Too Old to Start Something New.

As I continue our April highlight on starting a Ministry in Business, one of the questions that keeps surfacing, has to do with age. Let’s get this straight – You are not too old to start something new!

I am appalled at the way mature people are sometimes discounted in terms of their relevance in the work place and in ministry. God gives new assignments to the young AND mature. He frames our dreams and reframes our reality as He chooses. Some of His work is given to the young and some assignments are only fit for a more mature person. You don’t  know how much time you have to finish what you start or if God will continue the assignment through another person. The point is to start what you are led to begin. Go hard and give it all that you have. Don’t  discount what God is leading you to do. Focus on Him as the one who will get it done.

If you feel led to start something new, don’t let age stop you. Go for it, and enjoy the journey, one day at a time.

Check out Chef Babette. She is a fit advocate for loving your age and still starting new projects. She’s not the only one starting new projects well beyond their 50’s. Don’t believe the lie that you should be winding down. Why would you wind down when you can have 30 or 40 more years to live – important years to make life count!

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.  Isaiah 55:8

Do you have a dream that just won’t go away? If so, stop trying to ignore it and go ahead and get started. If you are led by God, He knows how old you are. He’s not concerned with our age because He is the One who will actually get it done.

Go ahead, Embrace your dream with boldness and courage. Grab some vitality, find a resource to help you and be the light that God has called you to be.

Starting a MIB when you are mature has great benefits:

  • Distractions won’t take you off course as easily.
  • The patience needed to get it done is more likely in a mature person
  • Your prior experience will be useful
  • How you approach the people who don’t agree with you will be better because of your experience
  • You have more resources to use for your MIB
  • Starting something new will keep you relevant
  • No one can fire you from your own business

There are even more advantages that you will experience when you step in.

I hope you will register on the site as we seek to make our work meaningful and beneficial to others. Check out our posts about Creating a Loving Culture and other posts to help you start and manage your MIB.

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