ConvertKit Benefits

Why I use ConvertKit for my Emails, Posts and Life Coaching

In ministry and business, being in touch with your friends and partners drives your success. Whether you use an email list to grow your ministry or to connect in your coaching business, you always need to reach the right people. That’s why I use Convertkit for my email lists, articles, and life coaching to stay in touch with ministry and business partners. It’s one of my top five platforms that keep Ministry in Business growing. 

By the way, this is not an advertisement for Convertkit. I highly suggest that you check with other options like Mailchimp, Zoho and Hubspot to choose the service that is right for you. Also, I currently DO NOT participate in any affiliate partnering programs. Here are more details about Affiliate Marketing on Shopify, another platform that is in my top five. My goal is to share what works for me, not to sell you a product. 

Before I tell you more about why I use Convertkit, start thinking about your goals for communicating with friends, clients and partners.

What do you need to say?

  • Who do you need to reach?
  • Do you want to sell a product or service?
  • Do you want to communicate with a group?
  • Are you producing a newsletter? 
  • Are you trying to gain followers?

No matter which goal you have, they all require you to grow and keep in contact with people. After you know what you want to say and who you want to reach, there are many choices for your communication tool. That’s why a platform like Convertkit is beneficial. You can easily measure your progress and access the contact information for people who want your information. Here’s what I like about ConvertKit compared the competition:

  • The free plan includes most services and up to 10,000 subscribers, which is good for starting a ministry in business
  • You can monetize your content by selling digital products
  • You can offer paid subscription plans
  • You can create landing pages and forms
  • They do a good job providing training material and answering questions
  • It is easy to use (This was the deciding factor when compared to several other platforms)

Here are a Few Ways to Use an Email Service to Grow Your Marketplace Ministry

Gather emails of people who like your content. This is much better than using social media sites. On hour website, unlike social media, your communication can’t be cut off by the platform because of something you innocently shared. Growing a social media audience has advantages, however, you don’t get the contact information for the people who like and follow your content. If your site goes down for any reason, it is very difficult to find those contacts again. But when people give you their email address, you can always contact them with new information.

Send relevant emails to specific groups. For example, coaching clients get correspondence that should not go to general readers. Segmenting your emails allows you to send information to people who express an interest instead of all of your subscribers. I have ended many subscriptions because they sent too many emails of which I had no interest. 

Give readers the option to purchase products and services. This makes it easier to monetize your services, especially on the business side of your ministry.

Offer a download inside of your post. People love a free downloads. With this feature, it is easy to set up a download.

I tried several other email list services, but stayed with ConvertKit. It was easy to use and gave me time to grow with the free service. Whatever you choose, a good email service is a must for a growing ministry in business (Marketplace Ministry).

In my next post on creating a Business Plan for your Ministry in Business, you will see how your email strategy fits into your overall business goals.

Step by step, your ministry in business will start growing, connecting you to the right people and doing exactly what you planned.

Comment if you want more details about how to create content that attracts the right people.

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  2. Get the Book: How to Make Your Ministry Your Business and discover life-changing Marketplace Ministry principles that catapult you forward in business and ministry.

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