Rhonda Ware Williams - Emotional Life

Capture The Beauty of Your Emotional Side and Make it Work for Your Ministry and Business

Emotions are the quiet master-mind that influence every area of your life. They are valid feelings that remind us of our humanity, who we love, what we like and don’t like. They remind us of what we feel, what we care about and what’s worth fighting for. These feelings are so strong that if unbridled, they drive every decision you make. However, capturing the beauty of your emotional side gives you a keen advantage for your ministry, business and personal life.

We often hear about taming our emotions.

Rhonda Ware Williams - 7 Points of Purpose

Emotional maturity is a necessary skill to grow your Marketplace Ministry, but that’s not all you do with emotions. Capturing the beauty of your emotional side also means appreciating the good in your feelings and connecting to your true self. The great advantage of being self-connected is that it allows you to connect authentically to others. It also helps you avoid making half-hearted decisions. 

You are emotional about your personal values. Your feelings remind you of what’s worth fighting for and what doesn’t matter. Of course, we need to balance our emotions. But balance doesn’t mean hiding what you feel. It means making sound decisions that are not only driven by practicality but also by feelings and values.  

Those decisions take you into strategic situations that are emotionally driven and value focused. Even in ministry, we are often driven by an emotional experience that makes us see a need that we want to fulfill. 

Many of the greatest battles were driven by emotions (freedom, rights, equality) that people cared about so deeply they risked their lives to fight for their belief. You may not be in a battle, but your emotions can give you the courage to do amazing things. Some of those things are good for you, like allowing yourself to love, get married, be spontaneous, or step into something new. Others need careful attention and sometimes abandonment.

Here are five examples to help you capture the beauty of your emotional side and make it work for your business or ministry.

Rhonda Ware Williams - Seven Points of Purpose

Emotions point to new opportunities by revealing where to focus your personal growth. Have you ever felt something that surprised you? Things like feeling lonely even when you are around people, or feeling jealous of a person who gets recognition that you don’t think they deserve reveals truths about yourself. These feelings are great opportunities to check your heart and see what is going on. There are the deep corridors in your heart that God wants you to deal with. Getting those feelings under control releases new opportunities to move forward in some areas and let go in other areas.

Emotions show your authenticity. People in business and ministry need to know that you genuinely care about them, not just a sale or what you want from them. Allow your emotions to help you understand how people feel, then think of a way to respond that considers their feelings. Send a card or message on their birthday and write a personal note. Give donations to their cause. Write a thank you note when it’s not expected. Many people are struggling and hurting while they work and live. A brief note letting them know you care goes a long way.

Emotions help you communicate with sensitivity. We are used to hiding our emotions and pretending we are well, even when we’re not. Take the freedom to say, “I am not OK, but I am working on it.” 

Emotions help you create better content and products. Many purchases are emotionally driven. When you authentically understand how people feel, you can create inspirational content and products that meet their emotional needs. Your emotions help you plan effective marketing as you design graphics, programs and services that attract people emotionally. 

Embracing your emotions makes you free to be yourself. Embracing your emotions allows you to be free to express yourself in different ways. Some of your feelings are valid just because it’s how you feel. You don’t need a reason for what you like and don’t like. There are people that you don’t want to be with, places that don’t make you feel comfortable, jobs, and all kinds of things and places that are just not for you. That is OK! That’s what makes you – YOU. 

Capturing The Beauty of Your Emotional Side and Making it Work for Your Ministry and Business is a skill that requires intentionality. Yes, you want to tame your emotions so you don’t move from drama to drama. But, also embrace your emotions as you sift through feelings to embrace or let go. It’s all a part of discovering your authentic self. That makes life better for you, your business, ministry and everyone around you.

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